This Monday morning was little different for Chintan. He woke up listening to sounds of chirping birds and feeling the warmth of early morning sun-rays. Finally, he had won his battle with the alarm clock which was yet to ring (every morning gives us a chance for new victories!)

After getting up with a positive vibe, Chintan moved out to the park for his daily ritual of solitude and meditation. After entering the park, while moving bare feet on the grass, he sensed the dew drops, felt the cold breeze that carried the fragrance of flowers, the fruits on trees nurtured by many and the beauty of the spider webs woven with diligence around the trees. All this gave him a feeling of joy and happiness. He had never felt this goodness and happiness before. He started meditating, however this new feeling of inexpressible joy made him ponder over the thought as to what was special today for his new energy and good vibes

A stream of conscious thoughts made him travel back in time. He used to earn well, working as an IT engineer in a highly reputed MNC. But he used to feel he was not content and satisfied with the life he had been living – daily mundane routine where though he was always present for others but never found time for himself. He used to fret over past and worried about future more.  The eternal peace and happiness was eluding him. This made him question to himself what is happiness?

His journey to find happiness was filled with questions and doubts.

He thought the hectic job is the reason for all unhappiness. He felt that monks are happy as they don’t have possessions and worries of jobs. But in next moment, he questioned may be they are not happy as they lack security and certainty in life. Based on this, he decided the problem does not lie in the job and having material comforts is not all bad as it comes with security but it should be not an unregulated pursuit.

Chintan gave a deeper thought and recalled few more incidences of his life.

He remembered how happy he was as a child. What could be the reason? He thought childhood is unique as the past and the future don’t bother much at that time. This made him think that being in the ‘present’ is an important element of happiness in life. But a doubt suddenly crept in his mind, is the formula for happiness so simple.  He started to think further.

Chintan was always fascinated by nature. He started thinking about river. He felt a river keeps flowing without thinking about the origin and the end. It is present everywhere at the same time, at the origin and at the end and also at the same time keeps cutting the rocks in its way. It is all focused in that moment. Unlike humans, who get worried by fear of failure in future, a river even while going down it makes cheerful sound as if the descent doesn’t affect it.   This made him certain that living in the ‘present’ holds the key to living well.


But what has living in ‘present’ to do with living well. He thought that human mind at a moment can hold only one thought at a time, it could be past present or future.  But the only thing that is in human control is the present. By living in present the mind is focused on the activity one is doing. Thus, he inferred that living in ‘present’ offers ‘Mindfulness’: a state of mind where mind is engaged fully in present task or activity.

Now, Chintan was sure it was mindfulness that made him feel good and happy today. He thought, Mindfulness rejuvenated my mind, body and soul and made his senses perform better as the energy of mind is channelized in a proper way. It helps to increase productivity and efficiency as it ends fear of failure and procrastination. It gives sense of small achievements in present and prepares to fight bigger battles tomorrow.  He felt today while sitting in the park I am not thinking about office or any other thing but enjoying this moment and expressed gratitude for nature. He felt finally after practicing meditation for last 7 months he has finally achieved mindfulness the way to happiness.

Chintan started thinking what has helped him to achieve this mindfulness? He recalled how he used to focus on maintaining a balance between exhaling and inhaling air while breathing. This act of balancing helped him achieve mindfulness. And Mindfulness in turns helps to achieve balance between what we give to others and take from others as it makes us conscious that we exist as part of larger whole and others as part of us. Thus, mindfulness helps us to attain spirituality and express our gratitude to others.

Mindfulness allows an individual burn like a candle to serve others and also enjoy their own life before dying like a melting ice cream.  Thus, Mindfulness is the way to happiness as it helps us to achieve balance in personal life and social contribution by reminding us of our obligations and duties and our larger role in life. It provides us altruistic attitude and I cannot recall the last time I was sad after making someone happy.

There is another interesting phenomenon linked to mindfulness. It is the absence of Mindfulness that explains the accidents that happen in our daily life whether it is a minor cut to hand by knife or a major accident of vehicle. It is one moment that the attention is lost that casualty occurs and leaves a mark of sadness for lifetime. Thus, mindfulness is a way to happiness.

Mindfulness provides a greater meaning to human existence. It is time that today we introduce Mindfulness curriculum in our educational system and public life. If it can bring so much happiness to Chintan, there are billions of people to spread that happiness in entire world.

Why not feel the smell of delicious coffee which you are about to make and drink? Feel dripping water while bathing or washing hands, savor every bite of the meal, enjoy every sip of the tea, every smile of your child/spouse/friends/parents. And feel happy while observing that smiley curve on your face?

There are zillions of reasons to be happy about. Only waiting for us to notice them and cherish them. Be in the moment and be mindful to feel the happiness the little things have to offer. Because Happiness is a Choice – to be made right NOW 🙂

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  1. Ma’am I am struggling with using of datas, committees and facts in my answers. Found your youtube videos really inspiring. Couldn’t connect you, so trying to message here. Can you please help ?


  2. Dear Mam,

    I am government employee preparing for civil services exam. I need a small guidance from your experience. How did u deal with “thoughts of daily office” while studying for exam.

    Pls help mam.


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